Sunday, February 2, 2014

Facial Hair

Kyle was challenged by his brother Sean to a "beard off" for November.

To be honest, I didn't think Kyle would last. The longest hiatus I've seen Kyle take from the razor has been a week.

But he persevered the itchiness and made it to November 31st! Even my comments likening kissing him to smooching a walrus didn't dissuade him.That takes dedication folks.

And like all good farewells, Kyle wanted documentation with his parting scruff.

Stage one of shaving: the handlebar mustache.

Yeah, not the best look, but it was far superior to Stage 2.

Stage 2: the creepy car salesman look.

Oh gosh. Reminds you of John Watson in the Season 3 premiere of Sherlock, right? Everyone in the house was pushing Kyle into the bathroom to get rid of it!

And our final stage: Teenage boy.

Sure Kyle has a baby face, but I like that baby face to be seen. :)

So long whiskers, until next November!


  1. That mustache gives Kyle a nice Kip-from-Napolean-Dynamite vibe.

    Did Sean ever tell you he accidentally shaved his whiskers somewhere in the middle of the month. He was just tired one morning and did it on auto-pilot. We'll have to do a more proper beard off this year. And what about us? A "leg hair off"? An "armpit hair off"?

  2. That is awesome! Jamie wasn't going to grow his beard this year because he thought I didn't like it. It takes some getting used to--smooching a beard face. But you get used to it ;) I like his winter beard, but I am always excited to see his baby face come summer!
