Sunday, February 9, 2014

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

It's expected/anticipated/tradition for us to go to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science when we visit Colorado.

The expected part is to have a blast.

The anticipated part is riding the fancy escalator that allows you to see inside of it.

And the traditional part is trying on the mule deer ears.

Unless you are feeling grouchy, then you can be a sulking turtle for a little bit.

But that's not all the museum has to offer.

There are lots of things to point at.

There is a fossil lady that will not only let your kids maul her display, but will smile about it (even though she was packing up shop right before we got there.)

There are happy visitors.

There are windows to look out.

There are railings to scale over when your Dad isn't paying attention.

There are places where you can pretend to talk on your phone.

There are puzzle blocks to solve,

and fall through.

And, most importantly there are dinosaurs!

But hey, if that's not your thing, there is an awesome Myth Busters exhibit.

We found out if we get wetter walking or running through the rain.

Here's the walkers:

And the runners:

You can be the judge of who looks wetter.

We saw someone throw a playing card into a dart board.

Kyle saw how fast he could dodge a bullet.

Which was faster than me.

But was slower than Sawyer. I think Sawyer suffered some whiplash from this...parent fail.

And if one kid looks cute on a swing supported by telephone books,

than two kids just about does you in.

Austin amazed us with his tablecloth skills.

Kyle saw how long he could hang from a ledge.

So the Denver Museum of Nature and Science is all around good family fun.

Well...all around good family (plus Austin) fun. :)


  1. What a cool mythbusters exhibit! Look at you guys, doing science.

  2. You guys find the coolest places to go. I've always wondered how long I could hang from a ledge (that is not a joke; every time it happens in a movie, I wonder). And Becky loved the mule-ear shots.
