Tuesday, September 27, 2011


One thing I have learned during my 25 years of life (doesn't that sound so distinguished? I think being a quarter of a century old sounds awesome!) is that there are many ways to get your nutrition.

Take me for example. Everyday I eat this for lunch.


Seriously. Every single day. I discovered it during my last month of pregnancy so I'm probably on day 120 now. I should vary my intake of food, but who can say no to a salad when you add chicken nuggets to it?

And is there a better way to get your fruit than by eating pina colda cupcakes?


However, if you ask Kyle he will tell you there are two main food groups.

1) Dr. Pepper

2) Dessert. This particular delicacy is Kyle's brain child. It was born on the eve when Kyle couldn't decide if he wanted cookies or brownies. So the spawn of a layer of gooey brownie batter and dollops of chocolate chip cookie dough appeared in our kitchen.

They are called crownies (or brookies if you prefer.) This experiment was a success depending on who you ask in our household.

But then there is Avery. Yes, sweet dear little Avery who is weighing in at a whooping 10 lbs 13.5 oz which puts her in the 5%. The pediatrician wasn't too impressed and asked me what her diet consists of.

I told her, "Mostly clothes."

"Dresses in particular."

"And of course her hands."


"She likes her fingers too."


"Really, she'll chomp away on anyone's extremities. She's not too picky."


So, between the three of us I think we meet at least some parts of the food pyramid. Ahem, food staircase.

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