Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sawyer's First Outing

 Last week we went out into the world as a family of four for the first time.

And I'll give you one guess as to where we went.

Yup, Sawyer's first big adventure was to the zoo!

Sure, he didn't see much of it being in the Bjorn, but he can't see past 18 inches yet so I wasn't sweating it. And Avery really was happy to be back.

She was running this way...

And she was running that way...

There was just a whole lot of running.

Really, I don't know why we bother bringing a stroller. She rides in it to and from the car, but once we are actually in the zoo that girl is out of there.

But how else are you going to enjoy looking at sharks,

or cheetahs,

or penguins,

or seals? (I know you can't see them, but I just think this picture looks cool)

And every once in awhile Sawyer would flash us his baby blues.

Although more often than not he looked like this.

It was a beautiful fall day.

And we took full advantage of the Halloween decorations that were already set out.

This year Avery has perfected her jack-o-latern face,

I've nailed the "crazed mom with cranky kids" look,

Sawyer can do some pretty incredible tricks with his eyes,

and Kyle can now turn a nice shade of blue.

We are ready for Halloween!


  1. Glad you guys made it back to the zoo! I love that brown bear, and the shot of the fall colors on the tree. And I laughed out loud at Sawyer's cross-eyed shot. But my favorites had to be those pictures of Avery running so fast and free that both arms are trailing behind her. That girl is cool.
