Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fun with Dad

Summer is officially over for us. First indicator of that for me is that we have turned off our air conditioning and have just had all our windows open and fans going. Second reminder is that Kyle began classes Monday. Yea for last year of grad school! :)

Even bigger news is that Kyle proposes his thesis TOMORROW! He has been working on it for a year now and made huge progress on it over the summer. He's not all that nervous for it, so hopefully we have a good night celebrating tomorrow.

And the biggest news is that Kyle is an awesome Dad! I try really hard to keep videos to about 20 seconds on here, because lets face it, whenever I see a video on someone's blog that is much longer than half a minute I'm less than likely to watch it. But there was no way of trimming it down. So enjoy the tour of most of our house and seeing how much Avery and her Dad love each other.

1 comment:

  1. That's too cute! Love the squeal. Kyle and Sean make the same playtime noises.
