Truth of the matter is that I. Get. Cravings. All. The. Time. Night or day, weekdays and weekends, pregnant or not, cravings are a part of my life.
Case and point. Back when Kyle and I could count how many months we were married on our hands, I got the strongest of strongest urges to down a bag of these chips.
So being the wonderful and dutiful husband he is, he drove around Provo with me to Macy's, Smith's, Walmart, and other reasonable locations to find them.
And you know what? They were no where to be found! One google search later, I found out that they had been discontinued, which made sense since the last time I could recall eating them was in the 3rd grade when my mom came to my school to read books with me for an hour. We sat in the hallway devouring books (figuratively) and chips (literally.) Has anyone else ever had these delectable chips before?
Anyways, flash forward 15 years, and there I was faced with a predicament. What chip choice could possibly satisfy my desire for Pizzarias?
That's right, Tato Skins. It wasn't a perfect match, but since Tato Skins are rarely the variety of chips offered at social gatherings, the novelty of eating a bag of them held me and my hungry monster of a stomach at bay.
At least, that is until 2 weeks ago.
Cereal has always been a part of my life. It has been my staple for breakfast since before I can remember, and often is my nighttime snack. I consider myself pretty well versed in the cereal aisle because of my 26 years of experience, and a cereal that has always been a favorite, all though not well known, is Oh's!
Yes, they make the milk texture a bit funky, but as you can see on the box they are "Always a GREAT VALUE!" How can a person not want to purchase these?
Unfortunately, they are not sold at our local Kroger, so when Kyle and I went to Walmart to pickup Avery's new carseat,
I insisted we grab a box.
But once again, I was foiled! They were completely out of stock! Someone had let one of cereal's best kept secrets out, and all the Indianapolisites had raided the shelves. I was devastated.
That is until I found this new cereal.
I didn't even bother with the one on the right. As soon as I saw "Double Chocolate" I was on my merry way to check out.
Verdict: Decent. Better than Cocoa Puffs due to the creamy center, but could not hold a candle to my Oh's. In fact a week after all of this occurred we were passing a different Walmart and I jumped out and bought 3 boxes of Oh's.
We have little more than a box left. And I'm pretty sure Kyle hasn't had any...
We have little more than a box left. And I'm pretty sure Kyle hasn't had any...
And before I finish with my love affair with cereal (and pretty much all food), can we all have a moment of silence for one of the greatest cereals that has ever been created?

I still don't understand it, and I still don't like it, but I have come to terms that I will never get to experience this cereal again due to its discontinuation in 2007.
RIP Oreo O's, RIP.
RIP Oreo O's, RIP.
I completely understand your pain. I get mad cravings CONSTANTLY, no matter what state I and/or the world am/is in. Back in the day, there was a delicious cereal experiment ventured into called Grape-Nuts Os and it. was. perfection. I ate it by the HANDFUL. I never ate it with milk, just dry, straight from the box. I loved it so. Imagine my dismay (actually, you don't have to, having experienced a similar calamity) when I found that the public didn't share my love and obsession for this cereal and they DISCONTINUED IT. FOOLS. *sigh* It still tears me up inside.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, if you're looking for a truly delicious and oh-so-terrible treat, I HIGHLY recommend my go-to cure for PMS: Nacho Cheese Doritos dipped in sour cream. It cures what ails you. I'm not recommending you indulge all the time, since it's definitely not the healthiest of snacks, but it's SO. GOOD.
I love those pizza chips, they were the best thing ever!
ReplyDeleteWhy did oreo o's have to go before their time? Why do The good always discontinue young?
ReplyDeleteOreo O's were quite good. As were Rice Krispy Treats cereal. And old style Waffle Crisp. Although the cereal I'm saddest about is French Toast Crunch. It used to be tiny little french toast bites, and now it's a crappy Cinnamon Toast Crunch ripoff.
ReplyDeleteFruity Pebbles and Cocoa Pebbles. I have been known to buy 2-3 boxes at a time during this pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about those Oreo O's. They really nailed something with that line. At least Mom was kind enough to buy them by the dozen whenever they went on sale. We didn't stand a chance of not getting hooked.
ReplyDeleteI had a similar let-down about Pizzarias, too (and O'Boises, but that's another story). Thankfully I discovered an almost-as-good replacement in the TGI Friday's pizza chips that you can get at Dollar Tree. Check 'em out, Linz, and experience the redemption. This is the same place you can load up on the TGI Fridays version of Tato Skins (the kind that was always available at BYU vending machines). And let me add that their pork rinds are really good too. Come to think of it, Dollar Tree kind of got me through college.