And from his 9 (!!!) teeth,
to his constant string of saliva and his "half-knee-half-foot" crawl,
to his goofy expressions,
to his long lashes and his constant curiosity,
to his big blue eyes and love of all new food,
to his blonde wings over his ears,

to his patience with little girl hand me downs (and his ability to rock those little girl hand me downs,)
to his fearlessness to try new things,
we love Sawyer with all we got! He has helped each one of us in our family to become better.
He has taught Avery how to be a great big sister. Without Sawyer she would not be the pro sharer she is.

He has shown Kyle that he is a wonderful father. Sawyer loves Kyle and I think that gives Kyle an extra boost of confidence during this hectic first semester of his PhD. I think Sawyer is the main person who has kept Kyle grounded.
Sawyer really is Kyle's Mini-Me.
And he has taught me tons of lessons. Some are pretty necessary. Such as how little sleep I need (I learned that as long as I got 4 hours, no matter how broken, I could make it through the day,) how to change a little boy's diaper (I'm immensely proud that I have yet to be peed at...or on...) and how to deal with food allergies (this kid reacts to milk with an angry rash and hives that you wouldn't believe.)
But the sweet things that I've learned, and the things that are essential in an entirely different way than the previous list, is how incredible it is to have him as my child. I've grown more as person (let alone, as mother) over the last year of my life than over any prior year, and I chalk most of that up to this guy. It is no joke that we've gone through some pretty rocky transitions, but it's almost because we've weathered those tough times together that I love him all the more. He's been patient with me adjusting to our new life together and I've been patient with him adjusting as well. At the end of the day, I am amazed at how triumphant I feel for the both of us to have made it through this year successfully.
I know, I know. It sounds like a really complex relationship to have with a one year old, and I guess it is. Sawyer and I have a pretty strong bond. I have no doubt that he will continue to have a vital impact on me, on our family, and on those around him.
So Happy Birthday Sawyer! I love you and all the goodness you have brought into the world by you being you.
9 teeth? Wow! No wonder the drool is perpetual!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, little man, you sure are wonderful!
Oh, man, he is getting cuter with every picture you take of him! I'm also proud of you for soldiering on during such a tough year, and I'm glad he's doing so much better than his rocky first few months. What an awesome little guy.