Monday, September 30, 2013

Brown County State Park

Do you ever have those weeks (or months...or years..) where you are so busy every hour of every day and feel so swamped, that when the weekend hits you aren't even prepared to enjoy it because you have zillion things to do?

Well, that has happened a few more times than I would have liked lately, so when Kyle and I woke up on Saturday we decided to head down to Brown County State Park. And within a half hour of that time, we had everyone packed and ready to go. (Spontaneity is much more our forte than meticulous planning...)

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It was be-a-u-ti-ful! We were excited from the moment we stepped out of the car,

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to changing diapers on a park bench,

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to snacking on our PB and J sandwiches (man I love these things!)

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Seriously, we were in love.

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Both Kyle and I have an affinity for the outdoors,

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and obviously we have a great affection for our children,

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so any time we combine those two loves, we are in heaven.

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We went on an easy half mile hike called Discovery Trail,

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and fared it sans stroller.

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Which allowed Avery to become one with nature :)

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 and Sawyer to become one with Kyle's hair.

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 There were these little number markers along the way,
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cozy benches,

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 Why, yes, my children ARE friends of the park.

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 and some great little wooden bridges.

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My little mommy heart wanted a sweet picture of my kiddos on the bench.

Which obviously, I didn't get on the first take.

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Or the second...

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or the third...Avery just had a little too much love to give that day.

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Fortunately, leaves have a healing affect on Sawyer.
Unfortunately, leaves have a jealousy affect on Avery.

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Fortunately nature produces an abundance of foliage. :)

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BUT, unfortunately, the grass [leaf] is always greener in your brother's hand...

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So, in the end, I had to settle on a cute photo of Sawyer and Avery sharing.

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Alas, so it goes. It just gives us that much more motivation to go back in a few weeks when the leaves are in the thick of changing.

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