Friday, January 18, 2013

A side of reality

News Flash: Having two little kids really is twice the work.

I know, it should be no surprise and I knew (or at least thought I knew) it would be tough at times. But truth be told, having both of my little ones has been a shock to my system.

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They are both wonderful, but toddlers are just really, really, REALLY busy and opinionated. Add to the fact that newborns really, really, REALLY do cry and go on sleep strikes, and all of sudden the simplest of tasks become near impossible.

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I have given up on daily showers. I have given up on leaving the house. I have given up on making phone calls. I have given up on sleeping through the night. I have given up on eating at a normal hour. And I have very nearly given up on going to the bathroom anytime before Kyle gets home. ;)

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Of course all of these sacrifices are worth it. There are still lots of good moments (as evidenced all over this blog) and I laugh daily at how goofy and awesome my kiddos are. I am so grateful they are mine. But I am also human. So on the days that my children are screaming, and my stomach is empty, and my bladder is full, and my head is throbbing, and my heart is lonely for adult interaction, it is very likely that my tears are flowing as well.

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To put it succinctly, I feel like a brand new mom again. Sure the spit up on my shoulder, the drool on my pants, the 3 day old makeup on my face, and the rapidly growing laundry pile on my floor don't faze me like they did the first time around. What's throwing me is managing a toddler AND a newborn with all their individual needs. And what's dawning on me is that I'll become a new mom all over again when (although "if" is tempting at times) another one joins our family.

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So, yes, I am far from having this parenting two kids thing down. But rest assured, I haven't given up hope.


  1. Thanks for your honesty, Lindsay! I have to say, one of the hardest things for me is not how hard a newborn is NOW, but imagining how hard it will be when I have one or two other kids. I feel tired now... Good luck--it's going to get better (so they say)!

  2. I felt the same way right after I had #2, it's amazing how much trouble a toddler can get into while your breastfeeding. Camber is right, it does get better when they are older, except for the bathroom thing, I have to fight my kids for access now that they are both potty trained! Your kids are adorable by the way =)

  3. haha I love this. I have been feeling like this SO much lately with just my one and being pregnant. Emery has hit her terrible twos (even though she is 15 months) and I swear it's been never ending tantrums. I keep thinking how am I going to do this with a newborn in a few months! AHHH!! Oh the sacrifices we make. They are so worth it though! Thanks for being honest.

  4. I feel ya. I have to stop myself from thinking how good of a mom I USED to be. I've lowered my standard of excellence to this: if they have food in their bellies and a clean bum, the day's a success. One day we'll get in a groove again.
