Saturday, July 7, 2012


Here come our summer updates! The photos may not represent the milestones perfectly, but at least they have the right people in them.

1. I made bread for the first time. As in using yeast (temperamental little bugger), letting it rise, and all that jazz. Sure I've made banana bread, zucchini bread, and even mango bread (which was delicious by the way), but I had yet to work up the courage to make a real loaf of wheat bread. So yes, I'm pretty much a domestic goddess now and would appreciate everyone to start addressing me as such.

Maybe not a picture of bread, but you can see a "bun in the oven."

2. Avery has sprouted 2 new teeth, bringing the grand total to 6. She's rocked the fangs for several months, but it looks like the vampire days are over because her top center ones are moving in.


3. Kyle is going to be proposing his thesis at the beginning of August. He actually had it all ready to go at the beginning of this month, but with the faculty's summer vacations (and us needing to re-watch the entire series of LOST) it looks like the first week of August will be where the action is at.

4. This one might not sound like much, but it was a big moment for me. I, Lindsay Marie Bradley, wore my swimsuit without swimshorts last week for the first time in YEARS. Don't worry, I still had bottoms to cover my bottom. To be honest, the last time my thighs saw the light of the sun they were pre-adolescent. It was a big day for the pair of them.

3rd trimester baby!

5.With all that said, somehow Avery still has the tannest legs in the family. Explain that one to me.

6. Kyle and I are officially responsible adults. On Sunday we fed 11 people, housed four teenage boys for the night, woke up at 4:15 Monday morning to drive my parents to the airport, drove 5 youth to EFY that was 1.5 hours away, and did it all without getting grumpy.

7. Avery took her first steps this week! Being a parent really does keep getting better and better!

7. We had an awesome firework show in our backyard a few days before the 4th of July. We have 2 lakes surrounding our apartment, and apparently someone decided that would be the greatest place to put on a 30 minute show. Avery was sleeping upstairs, Kyle and I went out on our back porch, as we enjoyed the closest firework show we have ever been to from the comfort of our house. It was perfect.

And that is the latest and greatest!

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