Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Officially official

Let’s make this official, shall we?

(Picture of profile,  head on the left side)

We have a little man joining our house in September!

And although this picture of a picture is not much to look at (apparently scanners aren't part of the grad school budget, go figure) we love this little dude!

(Picture of profile again, head on left side)

We found out two weeks ago, but left for Colorado right afterwards, so sorry for the delay!

(I'm pretty sure this is a picture of a hand. I think he's flashing a "I'm #1" sign.)

Everything looked perfect on the little guy. The placenta is attached right on the front like last time, baby is head down, and the last heart rate we heard was 145-150 beats a minute.
One of the biggest questions I get is why did we find out what we were having this time, but waited until Avery was born to find out she was a girl? And, to be honest, I have no idea why we did it this way. It's just what happened. I'll admit though, it sure is nice being able to call the little one him instead of it.

I'm still feeling really normal. It's nice to have people asking me how I'm feeling all the time, and I almost feel like I disappoint them when I say I feel great. Only thing that is different is that I eat all. the. time. Like I ate 3 lunches yesterday. Kind of disgusting, but the deliciousness and satisfaction of all that food definitely outweighs any embarrassment I have for doing it. Let's chalk it up to pregnancy, nursing, and training for this half marathon, shall we?

So there's the scoop. I still can't believe we will have a little boy and girl rolling/crawling/walking/racing/jumping around these parts. I feel pretty darn lucky to get both flavors of kids.


  1. Hooray!!!! I have a hunch that we might be having a boy as well. We'll see!! So happy that he's doing well, and that you are too! Avery will make a great big sister. Love you all!

  2. You are super woman! Still nursing, training for a half AND pregnant? You're my hero!

  3. Personally I can't believe you are pregnant, nursing, AND training for a half marathon... you truly are my hero! Amazing! Congrats.

  4. Like-wise to what others have said: that is amazing that your body is letting you nurse, be pregnant, and run! I had to start weaning Archie in order to get pregnant and running was never part of that equation! But you are so great at doing lots of things well at the same time! And I am so excited for you to have a boy "flavored" baby! They are awesome! We'll definitely be talking a lot in the future about the two babies so close thing as I figure it all out too!

  5. Thanks so much for posting those ultrasound pictures. What a cool dude (I like his foot)!
