Thursday, November 14, 2013

Halloween- November Style

So you know when the holidays roll around and your facebook/twitter/blogs explode with pictures/status updates/videos of whatever holiday corresponds with that date?

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Well, I didn't want to bombard you with yet another Halloween update on the 31st of October. That's why I waited until now to tell you about has nothing to do with laziness...or not knowing where our camera cord is...or just a general lack of overall "being on top of lifenes." No of course not. ;)

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To be fair, Halloween was officially moved to November 1st here in Bloomington due to weather. I know, that sounds made up, but it did happen. Apparently Bloomington has the authority (or is it the audacity?) to move a well-known and well-loved holiday to whenever they please. So really, as long as I post in November I'm square.

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You better believe those 3 pictures were taken within seconds of each other. Oh the joys of having two wee ones...

To start the festivities let me show you a little pumpkin action.

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With pens in hand,

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and shirts off, the kids directed Kyle in what fashion they wanted their jack-o-laterns to take.

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Here's Sawyers,

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and Kyle's.

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Cute. I almost love carving pumpkins as much as dressing up.

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Almost. But dressing up still takes the cake.

We had plans for Avery to dress up as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz (can't beat getting Halloween costumes for 70% off the year before, am I right?) and Sawyer to be a pumpkin (an old Halloween costume that Avery loved.) The day of celebration came, and Avery was in tears that Sawyer was wearing the pumpkin outfit.

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So, as the picture shows, we squished and shoved our 2 year old child into a 6-12 month old costume, complete with head gear. And the tears stopped flowing (and possibly the blood flow to her brain.)

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So, with an hour before we left for trunk-or-treating, we had to come up with a costume for Sawyer. And since I don't own a sewing machine...or own creative juices...or own cash...we ended up with a...

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Pillow case ghost! Complete with a sharpie-face I hand drew.

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I know, Sawyer's face is totally saying "lame." This kid has a huge noggin and I had to cut his head hole bigger several times before it would fit over it. Apparently I cut it a bit too big since it is sliding off his shoulders...

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Kyle was a mad scientist (he loves an excuse to sport a mustache),

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and I was a witch (I love an excuse to sport brightly colored hair and lipstick.)

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So, with our powers combined, we made "Classic Halloween."

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And there's your recap. Aren't you glad I waited a month to share this with you? :) Happy Halloween!

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