Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Indianapolis Museum of Art

First of all, thank you for your comments via blog or facebook for Avery's weight. I really am so grateful for so many ideas from friends and family. You guys are awesome!

One of the cooler things about Indianapolis is that the city’s art museum is free.  And to add  to that coolness, there is a 100 acres of park, lake, outside artwork as well surrounding that museum that is also free. AND to top it all off, we have had a grand total of 5 days of winter. I know, it’s amazing. I don’t know if global warming is as bad as people try to make it seem…

Alright, so what you are looking at is the trajectory of a bouncing basketball on the court.  Notice the white backboard.

Pretty cool idea, right? Plus, you can climb around on this thing. I'm betting you could have a pretty wicked game of tag here.

And these fancy shmancy rings are aligned so that their shadows will coincide during the summer solstice.

They are 30 feet wide and are attached to telephone poles and trees.

Again, what an idea! 

And to be honest, I'm not sure why this tree is here, but I remember there was some big project they were going to use it in.

And these are called "Funky Bones." I believe I'm sitting on top of a fermur.

And Kyle is apparently getting eaten.

This little number is one of the 15 "benches" that surrounds a leg. It also doubled as a nice slide.


Actually, either side you slide down was enjoyable.


A pleasant afternoon with this girl.

And this guy. I think this is one of my new favorite pictures of Kyle.

Although, it might be a tossup with this one.

 Yup, I've got good people to spend my Saturdays with!

1 comment:

  1. Those rings seriously look like they are floating. That, in the black and white, and with the bare trees, and with Kyle looking like he's in a trance and about to get sucked up in the rings, make these pictures look right out of a spooky 30's film. Of course, that bright blue bow of Avery's, and your big smile, and Kyle going down that bench-slide all pretty much dispel the gloom. What a fun place!
