This last trip up to Michigan was eventful. First of all we finally got to meet Baby Nora!
She's 3 months younger than Avery, which means future family reunions should be a blast for them!
I'm so glad we got to meet this beauty at last!
And once we added Kimber to the mix we had all the girl cousins together that were in the house. (Rebecca didn't come until our last day in Michigan so I never thought about grabbing a picture with all four of them. Next time!)
And of course, it wouldn't be the holidays without Seth!
I mean, look at how cool this kid is! Kyle was able to snap this shot of Seth chowing down on the gingerbread house when no one else was looking.
Ahh, the memories. Can you tell I'm going through some post Christmas depression?
It was just great having people I love around all day long!
How much better is life when Uncle Michael is there to attack you with a sock monkey?
Or having Grandma's cool bouncer to hang out in?
Don't get me wrong, life is still great in Indianapolis!
But there's just something nice about visiting the town and home you grew up in.
Fortunately, rolling over can happen no matter what state you are in.
As well as smiling.

Oh man, it was a good trip! By the looks of that last picture, Avery thought so, too. And you captured Seth's 'nice' smile perfectly. Sometimes he'll come up to me, say " are a great man," and hold that exact smile until he knows I saw it.