Wednesday, November 2, 2011


For the first time, I actually have documentation of an event in our lives.

I know, BIG!

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but most of my posts are usually about the ordinary "day in the life" of (mostly) Avery,

(sometimes) Lindsay,

and (every once in awhile) Kyle.

I think we just enjoy our company too much or are too absorbed by whatever activity is taking place to even think of snapping pictures.

Or it could be laziness...or lack of knowledge of where the camera is...or the piece of tape that is holding our camera together has disintegrated...BUT I think (or at least hope) it's mostly because we are having a blast.

So with that said, here is the latest and greatest in our household.

We carved pumpkins! Now I don't know about all of you, but carving pumpkins was a frigid experience in Michigan. We had to do it in the garage, on the hard cement, in 30 degree weather during family night. I remember having a frozen bum and hands after gutting the thing. Needless to say, my jack o'latern was lucky to even get a nose.

Nowadays, I am allowed to do it indoors on my own kitchen table! Oh the joys of growing up! Plus Kyle even gutted my pumpkin!

Kyle always shaves his pumpkin to give it an artistic flare. I think his is downright spooky.

I just hacked away at mine. All the pieces of the spider web may or may not be connected to the actual pumpkin. 

And my pumpkin may have shriveled up long before its debut on the porch. *Sigh*

This year we joined up with our neighbors and decorated our porch!

Nothing too involved, which is the way I like it. Plus, how cute is this little green wonder?

And how about this first time Halloweener? 

We then told Avery about our plans to go to the Zoo.

She must have been excited! After all, I don't think she's ever been awake for more than 5 minutes of it, even though this is our fourth trip.  Kyle and I donned some hats (as a nod to Halloween) 

and off we went to our much loved zoo! Avery started out wide awake, full of energy and overflowing with great faces.

but quickly fell asleep...

and by the looks of these pictures, may have even "given up the ghost." :)

But, fortunately our daughter was (and is as a matter of fact) alive and doing well, so we continued with the festivities.

May I introduced you to our little Miss Tinkerbell!

And how can you have a Tinkerbell without a pirate?

And how can you have a pirate without having...wait for it...

the surgeon who gave that pirate a hook? I know, impressive!

Plus, I bet you didn't know that Tinkerbell can beat up on pirates with the best of them.

All in all, a successful Halloween!


  1. You three are so funny! I love reading about all your adventures. Such a cute idea for Avery's costume. :)

  2. Wonderful costumes, all around!

    Tonight we watched Source Code and decided that this girl looks like you(, what do you think?
