Thursday, November 15, 2012

Beasley Apple Orchard

My favorite thing about growing up in the Midwest is Autumn. Sure Summer is wicked humid, winter freezes you clear to the bone, and Spring is just a soggy mess until you hit Summer, but is something the Midwest has figured out.

So we had to take our wonderful family from Colorado to Beasley's Apple Orchard to enjoy some of the fall festivities.

We stopped by their store before going to the apple trees. Isn't it Cracker Barrelesque? Only better because it had delicious honey crisp apples and non-pasteurized apple cider.

We then headed towards the apple orchard, but Avery started playing with various objects on the store's porch. 

Here's Avery with the mums (the red ones are now sitting on my porch and are still alive! Yea!)

This cute little bench would have been an awesome photo opportunity, except my daughter wasn't too impressed by it and preferred to play in the dirty water in that plastic flower pot next to it.

Which was better than her playing with this torture device...I mean...what is that thing?

That's when we started re-making our way to the orchard...but we passed these bins chock full of pumpkins and had to stop for pictures. ;)

We then set off toward the trees, 

but lo and behold, we got distracted (sensing a theme here?) by silos,

a cute little boy,


tetanus stricken machinery,


and straw!!

There was jumping,


endangering my daughter's life,

and family pictures.

We then really did try to go to the orchard, but Avery was in HEAVEN with this stuff.

And when your baby is showcasing her happiness by hitching up her britches

and clapping you wouldn't rush off to the orchard either.

And truth be told, by the time we made it to the apple orchard we spent a grad total of 15 minutes there before we headed home. 

But it left enough time for Grandpa to spot a cute little apple,

for his cute little granddaughter,

who loved that cute little apple.

And honestly, we wouldn't have changed how the day went at all. 


  1. I ADORE the pictures of her with the apple!!!

  2. It's hard to imagine a more perfect-looking day. It's true, the midwest is all about the fall!
