Or...maybe upside down is more accurate with this image...you get the point.
So today I received a call from one of my cousin's (the beautiful Tara Walker) friends. Turns out this girl is going on a mission to Tulsa, Oklahoma at the end of the month! She must have been pretty righteous because only those truly loved by the Lord are sent to the South! Okay, maybe I'm a little biased (I served in the Oklahoma City Mission from Feb '07-Aug '08) but Oklahoma is absolutely incredible. I answered a few questions for her and also offered some sage advice.
#1 Nylons are impossible to keep intact, don't worry too much about it.
#2 Get used to awkward spaces between Elders and Sisters in pictures, or really, throughout your mission.
#3 Having two companions is a blast!
#4 Temptations will come on your mission but you will be strong enough to take a picture of them and then move on.
#5 There are only so many Jodi dresses in the world, odds are another sister will also own your dress...
#6 Don't try to find cute sister missionary shoes, they simply don't exist. Just try and keep them from smelling after rainy days by using "odor-eater."
#7 There are billions of churches in Oklahoma, don't get intimidated, just remember the message you share.

#8 Biking can be difficult because of the terrain,
the skirt,
or an unhappy companion.
#9 You will meet very cute kids.
#10 Utilize public transportation, it beats walking.

#11 Be prepared to plan weddings...

that lead to baptisms!

#12 Watch out for enormous bugs, the humidity makes them double in size.

#13 There are strange mile markers on the mission. For instance the halfway mark is 9 months, hence to prego belly
A picture at "Good Year" tire at your 1 year mark.

"Killing off" your companions when it's their last transfer

#14 There is strong wind, wet summers, and harsh winters in Oklahoma.

#15 But there are always beautiful sunsets.
#16 Some addresses are hard to conceive, but they really do exist!
#17 Celebrate Special Moments!

#18 Elders will be Elders...

#19 And Sisters will be sisters...

#20 You'll meet amazing people and witness miraculous things!

All I can say is that is one of the coolest, most entertaining mission photo presentations I've ever seen. I'm sure Tara's friend will be inspired. Thanks for posting, Linz!
ReplyDeleteI miss you greatly...we should hang out :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Did you really see a spider that huge?!?
ReplyDeleteI feel completely ready to go serve a mission! Now I just have to wait forty or so years until I can go
ReplyDeleteLINDSAY! You totally rock the bangs and Jodi dresses! :) I think we should match at church one Sunday, just sayin'! You're too cute!
ReplyDeleteWhoah that reminded me of some good times. And...some not so good times...
ReplyDeleteWow.... what an awesome blog! It's funny and inspiring. It also brought back so many happy and also some sad memories. :) I couldn't have asked for a better "mom." :D Love and miss you lots!
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny! It would have been so fun to be on a missio with you! You had lucky companions! Love you!
ReplyDeleteSo I search sister missionary in google images and a picture of Jackie shows up! Ha! So funny you girls in matching dresses! She and I were in the same ward at BYU-I and in a sewing class together. Thanks for the fun post! I just got my call today!
ReplyDeleteLINDSAY!!! That was amazing and brought up some awesome memories of the mish! Thanks for making such an awesome post =) LOVE YOU!!!