She's a completely different animal if she has sunshine, birds, and the wind to distract her.
Now you see the food.
And now you don't.
It's like magic!
Oh, and adding these little puffs to her spoon along with the baby food has helped immensely as well.
But what are we to do when the weather doesn't cooperate and we can't eat outside? That is where Kyle's creativity is paramount. Behold the cheese cube game!
Along the lines of Hansel and Gretel, Kyle leaves a trail of cheese cubes for Avery to find and devour.
And I'm pretty sure Kyle's motives are pure and there's no ulterior motive to nourishing our child.
But if you start seeing a lot more pictures of us and not as many of Avery, you'll know something's afoot.
Outside is magical for little kids. You've tried every way you can think of to get them to stop crying, and then you happen so step outside and they're silent. And my gosh, what pretty eyes that girl has.