Ever wonder why it took me so long to actually post about Avery joining us? Let me explain.
Avery was born on a Sunday. The day before my wonderful Kyle was getting rid of a virus on our computer, and got rid of everything else on our computer too. We had decided we were going to get a new computer anyways since this laptop no longer could operate without being plugged into the wall at all times, needed a separate keyboard to type due to a tragic Ramen noodle spill, and the touch pad worked minimally well at best.
Of course, having Avery the next day and being in the hospital for a few days put us behind on ordering a new laptop. And the fact that we needed to find a computer to even order the laptop from. Luckily the Provo Library isn’t too far and we have since upgraded from this:
To this:
Isn't it beautiful? I am so thrilled that we have graduated from our "desktop" to a functional laptop.
My next dream is to go from hand washing dishes:
To this:
I know, I dream big! But while I'm dreaming, let's just imagine leaving a life of coin operated laundry:

To this:
Oh it's enough to give me chills! The next improvement though is getting rid of this blue beast:
and the mysterious slasher mark couch:
that were bequeathed to us from the previous tenants. A self respecting person would have thrown these away in a hurry and bought new furniture. Yeah...at least that is what I assume a self respecting person would do since I am clearly NOT that person. Fortunately, we are not taking these out to Indiana so we'll finally bite the bullet, grow up, and buy something like this:
But all in good time. Can’t have everything you want right away. I’m happy to settle with my new addition of Avery girl for now!